A different kind of FOMO
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

A different kind of FOMO

AI is a hot topic for plenty of reasons and is indeed a useful tool that can save us time and deliver good quality results. But it is getting smarter and the possibility of using it excessively and miss out on the human brain potentiality seems a pretty scary thing. The way we choose to interact with it might prove very critical.

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I’m not my job title
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

I’m not my job title

For most people being defined by their job title might be unfair and misleading. What they choose to do in their free time says a lot more about them than what they do nine-to-five, usualy out of necessity. Their out of office activity is far more indicative for the kind of person they really are.

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That pleasing mud on my hands
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

That pleasing mud on my hands

I was always fascinated with clay. It has very attractive traits. It’s so earthy, you have it in your hands and you can form it however you want. Working with clay involves all the four elements, earth and water, air and fire, which I find so completing.

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Shooting it mindfully
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

Shooting it mindfully

Film photography for me is one of the most mindful activities. It is all about taking my time. I know I have at most 36 attempts with each film, so on each shoot I like to absorb the surrounding. I pay attention, I analyze it. I am in the moment. Fully committed.

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How many people’s trauma can you heal?
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

How many people’s trauma can you heal?

Intergenerational trauma can extend up to seven generations back, which means an overwhelming amount of emotions, wounds and history to deal with. Our family past is often a burden. And part of our strength too. Digging it up and using the information constructively might be a useful tool for self development.

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The sunsets gone
Angie Stavrianou Angie Stavrianou

The sunsets gone

The number of sunsets we get to see in our lives is definite. It’s a really gloomy thought but also an awakening one, as we have the choice to pay attention. Being present to all these simple moments of life we often fail to appreciate: walking out in the sun, listening to our favorite song, having dinner with loved ones. These are the real stuff.

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